About us
SIA ArkiLED is a Latvian-British joint venture that provides intelligent lighting solutions: we design, supply and maintain complicated and beautiful lighting installations. We specialize in LED (light-emitting diode) lighting - the most efficient lighting solutions in the market. This technology allows vast energy savings, long-lasting performance and marvellous architectural and design opportunities. |
We use LEDs - the most efficient way to achieve the necessary light concepts.This technology allows vast energy savings, long-lasting perfomance and marvelous architectural and design opportunities. Our team is working with lighting since 2007. We unite long-term design experience, many years of cooperation with the leading manufacturers and developers of lighting, a powerful advisory facilities and own installers. We sery and guide our clients in the field of street lighting, office lighting , and other important areas. |
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Our suppliers are manufacturers from the European Union, Canada and China. All fixtures and carefully selected - we check the products in local laboratories, studying the ins and outs of all the components of fixtures and stability of our suppliers. We study the light propagation curves, durability of fixtures, analyze credibility of LED module manufacturer, demand quality assurance of two years or more. We do all this because on projects of our size errors are costly - dimensions of our projects range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of euros.
After each significant project the customer provides us with a review of the work perfomed , as well as, a few years later, a review of how we acted on warranty issues. We are proud of our reputation!
Pēc katra nozīmīga projekta pasūtītājs sniedz mums atsauksmi par izpildīto darbu, kā arī, pēc pāris gadiem, sniedz atsauksmi par projekta garantijas nodrošinājumu! |
Valdes loceklis SIA ArkiLED |